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Take Action Gateshead – an LA6 Project

Categories: LA6
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What Will You Learn?

  • Participants go from an idea to testing to launch with seed funding available to create a pilot
  • Take part in our Igniting Your Passion workshop where we explore ideas, learn about purpose-led businesses and identify gaps and opportunities
  • Explore activities to fill these gaps, building on the strengths that already exist in the community
  • Pilot their project idea with seed funding, evaluating impact and future viability
  • Explore sustainability plans to ensure any successful pilots can be replicated in the future

Course Content

Igniting Your Passion
In this workshop, participants will learn about purpose-led business with the main focus directed towards identifying what challenges exist for those living in their area. These challenges could be social, economic, accessibility-related, availability related or evenabout the environment. We will look at what groups and people face the challenges andwhat is currently being done to address these problems. Participants will map out current businesses, charities, and support within their community that address their community needs. This will help them to discover, identifyand highlight gaps in services or missing support. Together the groups will further explore what new activities may help to address these gaps and needs while identifying income generation.

  • Community Mapping
  • Community Mapping Continued

Independent Learning Part One
These workshops are for you to complete in your own time

Defining Your Ideas & Public Benefit Statement

Testing Your Ideas
From this series of workshops, each group or participant should have clear evidence to demonstrate the need for their activity, identified their activities aims and created a pilot project timeline. This will cover: Identifying Your Pilot Impact, Outcomes & Risk Listen, Learn & Adapt Pitch Perfect Bid writing

Independant Learning Part Two

Bidding for Seed Funding
-What to expect when pitching your pilot -Key areas to include -Practice and finishing touches

Planning Your Business
Congratulations! You have delivered your pilot! In this workshop, groups and participants will start to look back on the impact and success of their pilot. We will discuss what has been learned and what the next steps may be for continuing their activities.

Independent Learning Part Three
These workshops have not been delivered face to face and are here for you to complete in your own time

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